Sunday, May 5, 2013



I was going down
When your mere look
Made me fly instead of fall
The power of your eyes
Tranfixed my soul
Pulling me towards the dreamy
Gaze of your mystic being.

I was renouncing this world
When your mere words made me stop
And think at the beauty of this life
The power of your hold
Custodified me forever
In the wonder of your pure self.

I was admitting my despair
When the strange light of your smile
That crooked, imperial smile
Made me surrender
To the fostering elucidation
Of that one emotion called Love.

Javeria Khurshid
5th May

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Illusion called Life

I feel i am standing on an edge,
Torn between free-falling & flying away
A moment of belief pushes my feet hard on
A sigh escapes me, echoing the clumsiness
That I feel amidst the chaos and betrayal
I look forward towards something
A gush of cool breeze shocks me to the present
For looking something over nothing
Takes me to the places & emotions
That I am trying to leave behind...
I don't know whether its my strength;
That pushes me towards that illuminating illusion
Or its my weakness that plunders
My mind into an impasse
Juxtaposing the tumult and serenity
Right in front of my eyes
Making me believe in illusion,
Called the big, great, encompassing Life.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bittersweet Life

The sun and the smile
Twining each other
In the frosty winter bite
The clumsy chill..
And the numbing despair
Lurks around the dull senses
But a tiny flame
Amidst the dark and cold tunnel Calls you and provokes to move on The blinding expections weighing heavy
The unfriendly place
Pushing you all the more down
The knowns turning stranger and unreachable
You find youself cramped, lonely and solitary
Your mind the only companion That urges you to move ahead
No matter what bend corners you What new chapter unfurls itself Maybe this is what is the spice
And the sweetness of life
And this is the bittersweet chapter of my life...